Monday, November 28, 2016

Critical Interpretations

Take a break from reading this blog and watch this video!
It includes:

  • reviews from people on who he was/his work
  • more of his works 
  • some interesting personal info on this man!


  1. Arthur Miller is one playwright I have always heard about, but have never gotten the chance to really learn too much about so this was very interesting. I really liked when they talked about how he was influenced by the Greeks and by Shakespeare in his work. Then later when he writes Death of a Salesman, one of the characters is a new kind of tragic hero, that is influenced by, but different than, the tragic heroes of the Greeks and of Shakespeare. It shows that he had really come into his own style by that point.

  2. I've never read any Arthur Miller, but I know he's an important player in the theatre world. This was very informational, and it's so interesting that he worked with the Federal Theatre Project!
